DreamQuest Software
DreamQuest Software Championship Pro card and board games on sale

How to update Championship Five Hundred for Palm

Updates are FREE for one year!

*IMPORTANT*: If you are updating from a version before 6.0, you will need to first delete 'Booster' from your Palm device before installing the new version or the game may stay at a black screen on startup or crash. If you uninstall 'Booster', any saved statistics and registration information will be lost.

Installation instructions:

  • If you need assistance with installing your update, please click here to view our complete installation instructions.

To manually update to the latest version:

  • Download the newest version of Install-FiveH-To-Palm.zip to your desktop PC.
  • Your download will start automatically. If you get the following message box prompting you to Save this file to Disk, save the file to your Desktop without renaming the file.

If you're having problems downloading:

  • If the file did not finish downloading, try the above steps again.
  • If you are an Internet Explorer user, trying clearing your cache, as the page may not be redownloading as it should. To do this: From the Tools menu, choose Internet Options. From this page, click on Delete Files to clear any previously downloaded 'cached' files.
  • Try one of our mirror sites, as our site my be busy while you're trying to download.

  • If you cannot complete the download or have an intermittent Internet connection, consider getting a free download restart utility like those offered by http://gozilla.com, http://reget.com, or http://getright.com.
  • Alternatively, you may get our games on CD for just $9.99 and by-pass downloading altogether.