How To Play Euchre
Brief Euchre Overview
Championship Euchre All-Stars is one of DreamQuest Software's most popular game titles. Get your own copy today and join the fun today!
For a complete introduction on how to play Championship Euchre All-Stars, please use our interactive Euchre 101 tutorial, accessible from the game's Help menu. Simply click the "Menu" button in the lower left corner, select Help, and then select Euchre Tutorial.
Euchre is a trick-based, partnership card game for four players. Players sitting across from each other are partners on the same team. The object of this uniquely scored game is to be the first team to reach 11 points.
Cards are ranked in the following order, from lowest to highest: 2-10, Jack, Queen, King, and Ace- except for the Jack in the TRUMP suit and the Jack of the same color of the TRUMP suit.
Euchre Rules and Strategy
The Deal
Each player is dealt five cards from a 24-card deck (ordinarily - this depends on the "deck size" option you select). The dealer deals the last card face up to himself. This face up card is called the "Upcard."
Order It Up or Pass
Each player (starting at the dealer's left) has the opportunity to "Order It Up" (meaning you want to give the Upcard to the dealer and to declare the Upcard's suit as TRUMP) or pass. If the card is ordered up, the dealer accepts it and discards one from his/her hand. This Upcard's suit now becomes TRUMP for the round, meaning it outranks all other suits.
The Trump
In this trump suit, the Jack (not the Ace) becomes the highest card. The next highest card is the Jack of the same color as the trump suit. So, if the Upcard is a 2 of Diamonds, the Jack of Diamonds becomes the highest card. The Jack of Hearts becomes the second-highest card. All card rankings are normal other than this, with the trump suit always outranking a non-trump suit.
Depending on the strength of one's hand, a player may wish to "Go Alone," ordering up the trump and attempting to win the round without the aid of their partner's cards.
If all players pass, each player in turn selects a trump suit of their choice. If all players pass again, new cards are dealt.
The Trick
Play begins to the dealer's left. Each player plays one card, following the lead suit, and together they are called a trick. The highest card in that suit wins the trick. If your hand is absent of that suit, you may play any card, including trump. If played, the highest trump card wins the trick. Remember that the highest card in the game is the Jack of the trump suit, and the second highest card is the Jack of the same color suit as trump (i.e. if Hearts is trump, the JH is the highest and the JD is the next highest).
The player that wins the trick now leads a card. Play continues in this manner until all cards are played.
More Euchre Resources
- Now that you've learned how to play, try a game of Euchre with the rules still fresh in your mind. Download a free 3-game trial of Championship Euchre All-Stars. Take advantage of our easy interactive tutorial, or play a real game. (Choose from five difficulty levels through the Settings menu.)
- For more information about Championship Euchre All-Stars, please visit our Championship Euchre All-Stars Information Page
- For expert tips and techniques, please visit our Euchre Tips page.
View rules for other Championship All-Stars titles here: